Five years of strong experience in application development
using C, FORTRAN, RDB, DCL, RMS and SMG in VAX/VMS, Open VMS,
DEC Alpha environment. Development experience in Visual C++for
the Windows NT environment. Excellent system administration skills.
Experienced in configuring and managing huge Open VMS clusters
involving VAX and DEC Alpha.
Languages: C, Fortran, Visual C++
Protocols: TCP/IP, DECnet
Tools: X-Windows, Motif, SMG
Hardware: VAX, Alpha
Operating system: VAX/VMS, Open VMS, Windows NT
ACE Technologies, Inc
Client: Data Broadcasting Corporation, CA
Feb 2000 – Till Date
Environment: DEC Alpha, OpenVMS, DEC C
Enhancements to a real-time trading information processing system, to give
pricing information for securities, on a per exchange basis. The system
receives trading information for securities, options and futures from
several exchanges through SIAC, parses, processes, and packs into DBC’s
proprietary format, and sends out to the clients via TCP/IP multicast.
This system feeds DBC’s eSignal applications. The project was to process
the regional pricing information, from different exchanges.
ACE Technologies, Inc
Client: Comtex News Network, Alexandria, VA
May 1999 – Feb 2000
Environment: Windows NT, Visual C++, SQL, XML, Open VMS,
C, FORTRAN, PLI, Informix
This project involves the maintenance of a real-time news
processing system on Open VMS environment as well as migrating it to
a new system on Windows NT environment. The system serves over 375
companies with real-time news. It receives news stories
from over 45 global publishers (via leased lines, FTP and internet
mail), formats them according to the ANPA standards, categorizes
and distributes them to the customers. The existing system is based on
a VAX/VMS cluster which is getting migrated on to Windows NT
Digital Equipment Development Center (Compaq)
Hierarchical Storage Manager (HSM)
July 1998 - May 1999
Environment: Open VMS, C, File system internals, Backup
utilities SLS/MDMS, MRU, Storage devices like TL810
libraries and TZ877 loaders in huge heterogeneous
VMS clusters, DCL
This project was engineering support for the HSM product.
Involved in fixing problems reported by customers and delivering
patches. Released a new version of the product with many enhacements.
Involved in coding, testing and implementation.
Digital Equipment Development Center (Compaq)
Client: DEC UK
Electronic Data Interchange (DEC/EDI)
Apr 1998 - July 1998
Environment: Open VMS, UNIX, C, RDB, DEC Forms, DCL
This project was engineering support for the DEC/EDI product.
Involved in fixing problems reported by customers and delivering
patches. Involved in coding and bug fixing in the package.
Digital Equipment Development Center (Compaq)
Client: DEC, Colorado Springs, USA
Disk File Optimizer for Open VMS
July 1997 - Apr 1998
Environment: Open VMS, C, XWindows, Motif, file system
internals, SMG, RMS in heterogeneous VMS cluster
This project involves the release of the new version of the
Disk File Optimizer for Open VMS (a layered product which
reduced both file fragmentation and free space fragmentation
and optimized file placement on disk media). Involved in
coding and testing.
NELCO Automation, Bangalore INDIA
Client: Jindal Vijayanagar Steel Ltd. (JVSL)
Automatic Material Tracking system for the Hot Strip Mill
December 1996 - July 1997
Environment: Open VMS, VAX-C, DEC Fortran, IPC mechanisms, DCL
Developed software module for automatic material tracking inside
the hot-strip mill. Involved in coding and testing.
NELCO Automation, Bangalore INDIA
Client: Jindal Vijayanagar Steel Ltd.,
Development of communication driver to allow VAX/Alpha machines
to communicate over DECnet, using the non-transparent task-to-task
communication methods.
August 1996 - December 1996
Environment: Open VMS, VAX-C, Fortran, DECnet programming, DCL
Developed the client and server processes which would communicate
with each other, over the DECnet using the non-transparent
task-to-task communication methods.
NELCO Automation, Bangalore INDIA
Client: Jindal Vijayanagar Steel Ltd.,
Development of Process Manager Tool
May 1996 - August 1996
Environment: Open VMS, VAXC, DCL
Implemented a tool to start different processes at the time
of system startup and to keep track of process failures.
Developed an interface to watch the process status and to
perform various operations on the processes.
NELCO Automation, Bangalore INDIA
Client: Jindal Vijayanagar Steel Ltd.,
Enhancement of Instrument driver to interface X-ray machine
to the native platform over the serial link
Apr 1996 - May 1996
Environment: Open VMS, VAX-C, Fortran, DMC Protocol, DCL
Fixed problems with the driver software used for communication
between the X-ray gauge and the VAX machine over RS-232 serial
link using the Data Measurement Corporation (DMC) protocol.
Education: B S in Computer Science in 1995 .